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What Is Addiction ?

According to a study by Addiction Centre, somewhere near 21 million Americans today face addiction to at least 1 thing. However, the statistics say that not more than 10% of them receive any kind of treatment for the same. While alcohol and drug addiction stay on the top of the chart in the list of the most deadly addictions, various other forms of addictions such as gaming addiction, gambling addiction, tobacco addiction, et al are becoming dangerous for the people in America day by day.

While in simple terms, addiction may refer to the repeated participation of an individual in a certain activity leading to negative consequences on their mental or physical health, addiction in scientific terms might be a more complex term. In scientific terms,   addiction is related to a dysfunction in the brain, which makes it inevitable for a person to let go of a certain activity, that might prove dangerous to their life or even the lives of their loved ones. The brain of an addicted individual creates cravings for the thing that he is addicted to, and it becomes very difficult for that individual to resist that craving. This makes them indulge in that addiction, without fretting over the consequences. 

We often ignore people craving a certain thing repeatedly, and consider it to be healthy. However, you might be shocked to read about the types of addictions that have been scientifically proven. 

  • Substance Addiction- This type of addiction relates to the physical dependence of an individual on a chemical substance. These include illegal drugs, such as cocaine, heroin, crystal meth, or even medicines such as opioids. Alcohol abuse also falls under this category. 
  • Behavioral Addiction- The people who are prone to repeat a certain behavior time and again fall under behavioral addiction. Some such         behaviors include sex, gambling, shopping, gaming, etc. Although the behaviors do not appear to be deadly, the consequences of addiction can lead to deteriorating mental health or violent behavior in the individual. 
  • Impulse Addiction- People with impulse addiction are addicted to behaviors that make it impossible for them to manage their emotions. For instance, if someone has a destructive behavior or is prone to theft or emotional outburst, it becomes inevitable for them to control poor behavior, and they conduct activities such as theft, violence, etc. 

Some Common Addictions Faced by the People Today

  • Alcoholism- It is a very common addiction, which has in its grasp about 14 million adults in the US. While regular drinking is considered to be normal in people above the age of 21 underage drinking is a grave problem, and it has become quite difficult to recognize the signs of alcohol addiction. Diseases and failures caused in the liver and other parts of the body are often a result of alcohol abuse. Also, alcohol poisoning can prove to be fatal for any human being. 
  • Tobacco Addiction- The addiction to tobacco in the form of cigarettes or chewing tobacco is another lethal addiction. It has been found that 90% of smokers develop this habit before turning 18. Tobacco comes with nicotine, and while it gives a pleasing sensation to the smokers, the ill- effects of smoking over the long haul include both mental and physical and often lead to death.
  • Sex Addiction- Although it sounds uncanny, sex addiction is a problem seen in many adults or even some minors. This may include excessive pornography or masturbation, or regular engagement in sexual activities with partners. The ill effects of sex addiction include ruining your relationships as well as your physical and mental health. 
  • Drug Addiction- This is undoubtedly the most lethal form of addiction, whose cycle is quite strenuous to break. Today, there is a wide variety of drugs being circulated in the market, such as cocaine, heroin, LSD, methamphetamines, etc. While it becomes difficult for the addicts to live their life without taking drugs, they keep on deteriorating the health of an individual. Scientific studies say that addiction is a result of various contributory factors, including genetic, environmental, and development factors. 
  • Addiction to Video Games or Internet- While video games are meant for relaxation and fun, and the internet was built for work and entertainment, people often tend to use it in unhealthy ways, leading to addiction. While some common repercussions include wastage of time, money, weakening of eyesight, and other health issues, severe consequences include mental health disorders, violence, etc. 
  • Addiction to Video Games or Internet- While video games are meant for relaxation and fun, and the internet was built for work and entertainment, people often tend to use it in unhealthy ways, leading to addiction. While some common repercussions include wastage of time, money, weakening of eyesight, and other health issues, severe consequences include mental health disorders, violence, etc. 
  • Shopping Addiction- A report said that about 18 million Americans are subject to shopping addiction. While it does not pose any health problems, shopping addiction causes great impacts on your finances and your relationships. 
  • Gambling addiction- This is another addiction type that has seen many homes break due to financial as well as relationship repercussions. 
  • Food Addiction- There are many physical and psychological ill-effects of food addiction. While you may love to satiate your cravings when you are under stress or upset about something, in long term, this behavior causes problems such as obesity, chronic pain, anxiety, and depression. 

Identifying a Person’s Addiction

You might not know when your favorite time-pass made a shift to become your dependency. These signs and symptoms will help you acknowledge your addiction. 

        1. Shifting Priorities- When you prioritize a thing such as alcohol abuse, playing video games, or gambling, over the necessities of life such as your school, work, or your family, you are probably addicted. 
        2. Losing Control- If you are unable to control your habits, even when you know that the consequences are going to be dreadful, you are addicted to that habit. 
        3. Increased Tolerance- If you need 3 cigarettes to give you the rush and feeling that earlier only 1 cigarette gave you, your tolerance for cigarettes has increased and you are probably addicted. 
        4. Higher Risks Taken by You- If you take more risks and are not any more concerned about the consequences of those risks, and your focus is just on the pleasurable feeling and nothing else that you lose in the process, you are in deep addiction. 
        5. Body Sensations- If you feel unpleasant body sensations when you are unable to indulge in any drug, alcohol, gaming, etc., this indicates that you are in addiction to that particular thing or substance. 

Ways to Manage Addiction Types

There are multiple approaches to dealing with addictions of different types. Some of them include: 

  • Support Groups- which are a talking community where people get to talk to other people facing the same problem, and can acknowledge their problem, take inspiration from the stories of others and find a solution to their addiction problems. 
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy- with the help of this an addict can understand the harmful behavioral patterns and then learn to deal with them. 
  • Medication- provided under the guidance of expert doctors, to deal with withdrawals and relapses.  Inpatient and 
  • Outpatient Programs- While the inpatient programs deal with a patient in-house, the outpatient programs involve partial hospitalization for substance abuse prevention. 


At Clean Community Inc., we intend to spread awareness about the ill effects of addictions of various kinds, including alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.

Our Virtual Community will help individuals get rid of various addictions. 

If you are facing any of the symptoms mentioned above, or are concerned about a loved one who is prone to be addicted in some way or the other, contact us today to get the requisite help and save yourself and your loved ones from the wrath of falling into any addiction.